
Special Gifts

Have you ever wondered about the perfect gift that you could give to someone? Have you had to go bonkers because you really want to make someone feel special and happy and couldn't think of anything to buy? Simple things people do can sometimes make someone so happy. Yes, you'll probably won't find them in shops because money can never buy happiness. 

Well, let me tell you about some people who've made me very happy so far on my birthday today. Of course, I have a feeling I would be posting tonight or perhaps tomorrow morning, telling you all more about how some of my wonderful friends have made me happy. 

To begin with, the fact that my husband baked a cake for the first time in his life is so precious. In addition to that, my daughter staying up way past her bed time to just wish me made my heart over flow with happiness. Yes, they cut the cake and I watched them. My sisters and brother wishing me from wherever they are shows that though we are far apart, we are always in each others thoughts and we never stop caring. 

My darlings 
Secondly, my flatmates, Reem and Aikol wished me at twelve and we had a little late night tea party with freshly homemade bread by Aikol. There is nothing more precious than friends who look out for you and who's companionship is so entertaining that you don't realize that you've almost spent 2 hours just gossiping. Now this is the kind of friendship you want to treasure for the rest of your life. 

And Reem hasn't used her own photo for profile picture since 2009. For my birthday, she has uploaded a photo of us together. Yes, I'm blessed to be surrounded by such loving, kind souls. 

With Reem
With Muhammad
Jefferey and Muhammad also used a photo they've taken with me on their whatsapp display picture. You see, they didn't spend a single cent but made me feel very special and happy. Now if you have such friends in your life, treasure them. Because they are the rarest of all and you cannot buy such good friends even if you had all the money in the world in your pockets. 

With Isaac and Jeffery
Thank you so much for everything my dear friends and family. I will treasure you all forever. Love you all with all my heart. And of course, I will be writing more soon.

Happy birthday to us

Yay, it's my birthday and I'm turning twenty 21. You might be wondering how many 21st birthdays I've had. Well the answer is quite straight forward...yes, it is 11. Now you do your math and guess my age!

Thank you my darling husband for the cake you have baked for me. I know it's super delicious. Many miles away, back at home, my daughter, husband and son cut my birthday cake and of course they enjoyed it. I watched while they ate via a viber video call. I miss you all so much.  

And also, this birthday is very special because I get to celebrate this birthday with the sweetest girl in UBD who also happens to be one of my closest friends here in Brunei. Cherry is from Myanmar and if you meet her, you will never forget because she is that sweet and nice. 

Suad, Cherry and Cathy

Happy birthday my dearest friend. May you always be happy and content. May all your dreams come true and may you always be successful in whatever you do. 

Once again, happy birthday to both of us.